Title Sequence Design (Sequential)
Mentor: Elaine Alderette
A collection of title sequence and logo reveal designs.
Three Miles:
Title Sequence
Title Sequence
“Three Miles” is a podcast produced by This American Life, which tells the story of two groups of students from vastly different educational backgrounds: one group is from a public school in the Bronx, while the other is from an elite private school only three miles away. The gap between the poor and the wealthy is a major concern that affects our education system.
This concept for the title sequence is about the internal struggle of being torn between positive and negative emotions. The students spend their lives trying to convince themselves that they belong even after they graduate. Although some students had resilient and positive mindsets at school, the students still have to constantly remind themselves that they deserve the job they have now.
The story is told through a black and white inverted world, which represents the conflicting mindsets of the students. A girl falls into an abyss towards buildings that are made up of phrases that show her negative emotions. Towards the end, it is revealed that there’s two inverted worlds, each representing her positive versus negative thoughts. The outlines of the girl and the script disintegrate into particles to reinforce the idea that the students are slowly losing themselves as they drown in their emotions. The sequence dives between wide shots and close-ups to further highlight the inverted worlds.
View the full process poster here.
This concept for the title sequence is about the internal struggle of being torn between positive and negative emotions. The students spend their lives trying to convince themselves that they belong even after they graduate. Although some students had resilient and positive mindsets at school, the students still have to constantly remind themselves that they deserve the job they have now.
The story is told through a black and white inverted world, which represents the conflicting mindsets of the students. A girl falls into an abyss towards buildings that are made up of phrases that show her negative emotions. Towards the end, it is revealed that there’s two inverted worlds, each representing her positive versus negative thoughts. The outlines of the girl and the script disintegrate into particles to reinforce the idea that the students are slowly losing themselves as they drown in their emotions. The sequence dives between wide shots and close-ups to further highlight the inverted worlds.
View the full process poster here.
Final Style Frames
Logo Reveal
Logo Reveal
The concept for this logo reveal is a burst of colors and flavors that gives viewers a rush of energy and takes them to another dimension. The visual approach is a Surrealist collage to mimic how the Haribo flavors assemble and blend together to bring consumers into different reality.
Mood Board:
curated images with bright, vivid colors, and collage photos that gave a sense of nostalgia with a mixture of elements such as planets in another dimension or fruits in an unrealistic environment.
Final Style Frames:
In the first frame, several gummy bears are going down a rainbow slide, accompanied by some fruits that represent Haribo flavors.
In the second frame, we realize that the rainbow slide is actually leading into a girl’s mouth. As the gummy bears move down the slide, flowers begin to bloom out from behind, hinting that something is about to change.
The background color changes to a dark color in the next frame to show that we’ve entered another dimension. The girl’s eyes burst open and she’s taken into another universe.
In the final frame, I used an optical alignment technique to reveal the logo so that the eye turns into a colorful explosion.
In the second frame, we realize that the rainbow slide is actually leading into a girl’s mouth. As the gummy bears move down the slide, flowers begin to bloom out from behind, hinting that something is about to change.
The background color changes to a dark color in the next frame to show that we’ve entered another dimension. The girl’s eyes burst open and she’s taken into another universe.
In the final frame, I used an optical alignment technique to reveal the logo so that the eye turns into a colorful explosion.